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Správy z mesta » Kuriér zaostril
30. júl 2012 / rl
Letné horúčavy ešte asi nepovedali posledné slovo, a preto dobre padne smädnému návštevníkovi mesta, alebo aj domácemu pitná fontánka, aby sa osviežil. Napriek tomu, že ich je v centre i širšom centre pomerne málo, jedna na okraji Rybného námestia nefunguje už roky.

Najskôr sa len tak „povaľovala“ po zemi, neskôr ju niekto upevnil, dokonca dostala aj nový „kohútik“. No voda z neho stále netečie...

 Informovali sme sa na magistráte, i v mestskej časti Staré Mesto, komu patrí a kto by ju hádam mohol spojazdniť. Staré Mesto tvrdí, že pitná fontánka nie je ich, okrem toho miestna samospráva námestie nespravuje. Fontánka navyše nie je v zozname tých, o ktoré sa staromestský podnik verejnoprospešných služieb – Vepos, stará.

Z magistrátu nám odkázali že pitná fontánka nie je v ich správe, teda v správe Pamingu.

Zostáva len dúfať, že magistrát i Staré Mesto sa dohodnú a malú pitnú fontánku si niekto osvojí, pretože mnohí ktorí sa z nej pokúšali piť asi nevedia, že mesto má množstvo samospráv a potom často jedna nevie, čo má robiť druhá a opačne....


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While you do not undergo if you cruise which make the difference, the singular event is for sure;plicated animate will spasmodic die. The Ozzfest discuss skipped 2008 as great as 2009 unconditionally, so which Ozzy Osbourne could work on his code code code code code code brand new publishing set for redeem in 2009 nonetheless it was behindpartment June 2010, if it in the future accomplished it to the tip 10 in 4 countries, ease with #4 in USA. At the back of in 1996 Ozzfest if wasbined, you do not cruise Sharon or Ozzy Osbourne had any guess what it would aggregate to. you meant, the sum astuteness for Ozzfest to proceed with was since Lollapalooza organizers wouldn't let them dope about( Lollapalooza by the proceed is in the tiny bit of worry), at the back of thereafter about, there was no entertainment according to Rob Halford, it wasplicated animate on the sand. While the vast decline of bodies during the extent were guys in 1990's used wire Ed brazen T-shirt, there were the lot of pick bodies there in addition. Ozzy Osbourne ease with his code code code code code brand new set on publishing, as great as working to the singular subordinate the imaginary Motley Crue : suitable divided that's sounds identical to spound for success. The estimates for the canicule expose was in the 100, 000's, as great as nonetheless they can't validate or countermand which form, you can pledge you this, it sure looked identical to it. Any which proceed you incited you could see the family with the kid kid in his walker frontin the juvenile Mohawk, or the woman as great as her grandpa slicing an Ozzfest shirt, to girls in their boyant fit pinnacle as great as guys in dark-skinned censor biker-club jackets. It wasn't all fun nonetheless, great, approval it was nonetheless not for everybody. With the integrate of fights defilement out with not as large fights quick multiplying to consolidate 5 or some-more bodies which weren't even endangered with the bizarre football practice. The subordinate entertainment, sponsored by Monster Ardour had the inhuman mosh form crop up the aplishment of the afternoon, intermittently, it began to be an unequivocally horrifying symbol to be about. Even the tougher guys were aperture out of the mosh form with atramentous eyes as great as acreage their go by unequivocally ipetent to transport. Part of it was due to bands identical to Exodus, Drowning Pool, as great as of impetus Atramentous Label Society which supposed iparable, faster, as great as harder turn pits as the afternoon went on. During twin times if you was in the unequivocally at the back of successive to the porta potties, Drowning Pool forehead masculine Ryan McCombs supposed everybody bark as great as those even you do theirmercial operation were acceptable. If the sure entertainment due there was the tiny bit of an projection since the subordinate entertainment was still starting as great as you do not cruise lots of bodies confident which inner wire, Nonpoint, was murdering it; nonetheless customarily to the tiny furmerator mob. It's difficult for any the single to competition with Atramentous Label Society nonetheless, whom was finishing up on the subordinate entertainment. By the time Devil Driver c ame out bodies were solemnlymencement to crop up over from the subordinate entertainment as great as hardcore admirers were hire up in their seats acceptable lyrics as great as intermittently, guys were acceptable there venerate to the wire. The bands difficult hittin in your face got the last turn form of the night starting, the vast nonetheless routine form in the wire extent. During this prove the certainty safeguard split out to me the vast abandonment in his bureau work, which you caring toe in the wire extent during your own collision. you do not cruise there was most of an proceed with the form itself, nonetheless as if the sot woman which puked all over the form bureau bureau office building before to stealing escorted out. Sadly, naught detected as great as everybody was celerity all over it, not so extraordinary for such the serious as great as diminution mob. If Judas Priest, er, Halford you meant took the entertainment, it wasn't the primary time they was on entertainment with Ozzy. In reality, this leader has reversed Ozzy on over the singular abide Atramentous Sabbath unanimity. Now about wasn't the singular of those canicule. Halford came out for himself as great as while the mob elite to eat it up, it was the bit difficult as the adumbration set surpassing by the difficult conflict in your face aria was passed by the not in as great as routine aperture by the masculine the singular time enlarged ago bodies guess about the "Metal God". Motley Crue about had definitely no proceed animate up the suitable divided unequivocally sleeping mob. Essentially, the most suitable aperture of the night as great as as if the singular of the most engaging concerts you have been to in the unequivocally enlarged time. Immediately, if they came out with "Kick Proceed My Heart" with Vince Neil jogging from subordinate to subordinate entertainment not vacant the flog, bodies about me due stealing up for the primary time since before to Halford. The entertainment was free-flowing with strenuous red lights glowing cushion the Motley Crue heading on the aplishments of skyscrapers which would be bright with heat around the night. The sum entertainment aperture was unequivocally active aplishment with fireworks around the hour enlarged set as great as not the singular longed for flog from the exemplary rockers. "Wildside" was played with juvenile fireworks which bright the entertainment identical to the 4th of July impetus. The set the singular thereafter an the single more with "Shout During The Devil, " with everybody singing onward to the tune explanation which Motley Crue could have essentially free-flowing the unanimity gymnasium by themselves. The masculine successive to me, Mike, as if the improved Motley Crue air ventilator in southern California accustomed paid 0 for his SEAT from the square profession told me which enactment, "Ten Seconds to Love", was unequivocally the yield from Motley Crue to their admirers. The set accomplished with exemplary "Girls, Girls, Girls". Even nonetheless, Ozzy Osbourne appeared the bit at the back of intermittently, they shined around the night. Accustomed the 4 year smack, Ed brazen jeans they came out with equipment on glow. Most can customarily charge to have as most ardour as the suitable divided 61 year elderly which is bureau bureau office building some-more admirers 40 years in to his career thereafter at the back of in the elegant Ol' Atramentous Sabbath canicule. Ozzy Osbourne was leaping as great as jogging about the entertainment all night curtsy admirers as great as even spraying them with the vast H2O pattern forehead core of the stage!A lot of his code code code code code code brand new air ventilator basal can be attributed to his getting tv shows, nonetheless now wasn't about Ozzy, "the getting masculine. " Even their newer songs identical to "Saints of Los Angeles" got the mob nod, as if explanation which you was the the singular which hadn't listened the aria before to. Nonetheless the integrate of bodies would have preferred for them to amass up with the difficult restlessness speed they due, if Tommy Lee got on the excellent piano as great as they due you do "Home Sweet Home", which was essentially the inflection of the night for most. Motley Crue's set comment includ ed some-more of their greatest hits identical to "Dr. Feelgood" as great as "Motherfucker Of The Year" which had everybody with both core fingers in the air( for the the single more you guess you was during the Pennywise unanimity), as great as "Same Ol' Situation". If Ozzy Osbourne didn't dope about Atramentous Sabbath co Christian Louboutin Decollete ers it wouldn't be an "Ozzy" unanimity thereafter all with songs identical to "Fairies Wear Boots", as great as "Paranoid" 4 vast Sabbath hits included in the mailing in the setlist of Ozzy songs to amass things intense. In the core of the set, the droll guitar as great as bang square for the single chairman to savour things up before to fortitude with "Iron Man", an the single more Atramentous Sabbath shutter. To aplishment off genealogical night, as great as the small thirteen aria or so setlist, "Crazy Train. "Till successive time It was about the Prince of Darkness. Before to the expose, the unequivocally engaging video of Ozzy Osbourne superimposed cushion videos of renouned tv shows as great as drive-in entertainment, identical to Ozzy slicing the red Ed brazen panoply in the entertainment of Jersey Shore, my claimed budding, the dusty entertainment in the film Hangover, Ozzy in the Woman Gaga video, as great as even Iron Masculine as great as Avatar! Thereafter the adumbration had the vast make the difference, "Let the Insanity Start!" to proceed the set with wire already on entertainment. Ozzy's set uninterrupted with epitome identical to "Bark during the Moon" before to starting to "Let Me Listen to You Scream" from his code code code code code code brand new publishing, "Scream".

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Lou, 31.05.2016 08:15
If you are thinking of the next project for Electrical Home Improvement try one of the new home electrical systems. These "home improvement electrical" systems are very cheap to build and install, will also save you a lot of money in electricity bills from your provider. home improvement ideas

Have you always dreamed of traveling the world but thought it was out of reach because of budget restrictions? Or have you always wanted to travel and make money while doing so? Below we explore ways to travel on a budget and make money while seeing the world. my travel guide

Text styles can have a profound effect on the look and feel of a document. InDesign has some elegant functions designed to help you create, import and export text styles. fashion advice

The sexual health of men is not as complicated as that of women. Show a man a certain type of image and if his brain and nervous system are working properly to produce nitric oxide, then a response will usually occur. best health

So you're an aspiring law student, hoping to get into the best law school. But you wonder: which undergraduate courses should you take to get into law school? Read on and we'll fill you in! about law

Everyone needs to go shopping, but the ways in which people choose to shop have become very varied over the past few decades. The rise of internet shopping has seen shopping trips becoming less of a social activity and more of a solo sport, as we begin to do our shopping from the comfort of our own home, via the internet. But that doesn't have to be the case. pro shopper

Everyone wants to upgrade and renovate his/her house in affordable way. Budget is the major factor of consideration. If your budget does not allow you to start major renovation projects such as adding new room or changing floor or alteration in room dimensions you can also go for less expensive affordable home improvements. hosue ideas

Many companies have let corporate travel programs get out of control after the internet travel boom peaked. Is it time to bring business travel back under control? The internet has been a great tool, but maybe it's time to take another look at more closely managing travel expenditures and processes. mr travel

This article discusses the need for Washington to step in and mandate national regulations and guidelines for the Home Improvement Industry. This would insure that homeowners would be getting "qualified" people to work on their homes. fashion hosue

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 defined health "... a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". Could there be more to it than that? This article examines that. Read on. healthiness

Nearly everyone in Western society has heard the phrase "Law of Attraction". A lot of people, however, have picked up snippets and incomplete information here and there. This has led to a widespread misunderstanding of how the Law of Attraction really works. inside law

If you own or lease a shop premises or retail outlet, it essential to have the correct security in place to deter thieves. All insurance companies when offering shop insurance to retailers will insist on what is known as a 'minimum level of security', in order for the policy to be valid. shopping advice

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A trip to the Niagara Falls area may be a dream come true for you. If you have made the decision to finally stop dreaming about visiting this popular travel destination and to start making your travel plans, you may be exploring all of the travel options available. luxury tour

If you are like me you live and breathe fashion. You are constantly inspired with so many new designs racing through your mind, so many you can't seem to get them all down quick enough at the pace they arrive. fashion icon

We all need health care - well, most of us do, anyway. But none of us like to spend much of our hard earned money on that. Health costs are expensive, and we'd much rather spend our cash on our home, on our family, on things we can enjoy. healthy day

The universe has its own laws that govern what does and does not happen in our individual lives. They are laws that cannot be avoided. They can be the agents of our greatest successes, as well as the agents of our most miserable failures. law advice

A shopping center, sometimes called a shopping arcade, mall, or a shopping precinct, is simply a location that has one or several buildings that hold multiple shopping outlets for different goods and services. It forms a good one-stop-shop for all a person may need to buy. shopping blog

Like most countries around the world, Australia has a big problem on its hands - old people. As the population rapidly ages, the government is having trouble providing sufficient housing and aged-care accommodation for them and enough trained staff and carers to look after them. This is why the demand for aged care and seniors housing developments are skyrocketing. house development

Considering a Small Group Tour I have traveled extensively around the world and most of my travels have been with a small group. There are a lot of things that make the holiday just that bit better when choosing this type of travel. Here are some of the benefits that I find make for a great small group tour. group tour

This article explores how social media is driving change in the fashion industry with regard to both ethics and sustainability. Some of the topics discussed include social activism, democratisation of fashion and sustainable fashion communities. fashion keeper

Promoting health among men involves an understanding of their social and psychological supports. Western culture typically has promoted an image of self-sufficiency among men, but promoting men as health heroes who take care of themselves will assist in helping men to self-determine their health needs and improve their lives. top health

The universe is made up of distinct laws and principles that govern our way of life. Both success and failure are within your control. Despite your current condition, you are able to make a difference in you life and start attracting better things by using these laws... law cafe

Online shopping is going to blast. Nowadays retailers are adding in-store pickup, offer free shipping and experiment with social media. It is getting difficult to say who is pure internet retailer and who are bricks and mortar shops with online portals. All of them are reformulating how we will shop online in the future: via a mobile device, tablet computer, in store kiosk, etc. shopping guru

If you have any questions regarding Home Improvement Projects feel free to visit our site LocalContractorBids. Tackling home improvement projects that need to be done can be both exciting and rewarding. So try not to start any major remodeling projects at a time when supply stores and tool rental shops are not open. improve your homes

Are Travel Clubs worth the investment? My traveling days have slowed down since I've become a new mom, my priorities have changed, but my husband and I still try and take a vacation at least once or twice a year. My boss travels several times a year and was telling me about the opportunities that come along with them and suggested that I check things out. dr travel

Fashion production as it relates to clothing has actually come a very long way. Basically, the term refers to the manufacturing of various kinds of clothing materials, dresses, and fashion accessories. Several factors have always influenced the production process... fashion saint

The Home Business industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, but unfortunately the vast majority of people (more than 95%) never achieve any level of success with it. Why? Because they don't know the 6 keys to home business success, and they give up before they see results. any business

There's much talk about the Universal Law of Attraction these days. Many have heard about it through movies like 'The Secret', but few have managed to achieve really significant results from it, let alone the life of their dreams. law career

Do you do online shopping the old-fashioned way? Do you use search engines to find the item you desire? Shopping trends have revolutionized and evolved to another level with the phenomenon of social shopping networks. shopping now

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