„Župa vo svojich stanoviskách reálne popisovala kroky, ktoré v tomto smere podnikla. Takisto sa snažila robiť všetko pre to, aby boli termíny dodržané. Na začiatku prázdnin tak môže byť Starý most po cyklistoch a peších prístupný aj električkám,“ povedal bratislavský župan Pavol Frešo. 6. júla 2016 bolo po oprave vybočenia oblúkov v úseku Bosákova - Obratisko vykonané meranie geometrickej polohy koľajníc, vykonané porealizačné zameranie, vykonaná opakovaná technicko-bezpečnostná skúška, technická prehliadka, pantografová skúška a skúška zjazdnosti. Na základe zápisu z merania geometrickej polohy koľajníc, geodetického protokolu, protokolu o vykonaní technickej prehliadky, pantografovej skúšky a skúšky zjazdnosti a protokolu z vykonanej technicko-bezpečnostnej skúšky, ktoré boli na Bratislavský samosprávny kraj doručené dnes 7. júla 2016, skúšané zariadenie vyhovelo a je schopné bezpečnej prevádzky. Dočasné užívanie na skúšobnú prevádzku pre ucelenú časť 10 Staré mesto bolo Bratislavským samosprávnym krajom vydané 10. mája 2016 a pre ucelené časti 20 Starý most a 30 Petržalka 30. mája 2016. Nakoľko k dnešnému dňu nebolo doručené žiadne odvolanie bola na kolaudačné rozhodnutie pre ucelenú časť 20 a 30 vyznačená právoplatnosť. Právoplatnosť skúšobnej premávky nadobudlo kolaudačné rozhodnutie 4. júla 2016 ku dňu skončenia zákonných lehôt. Počas skúšobnej prevádzky bude prevádzkovateľ električkovej dráhy overovať funkcie a parametre zariadení električkovej dráhy v tomto rozsahu: • Stabilita sústavy trolejového vedenia. • Výška troleja a jeho sklon s ohľadom na spoluprácu zberač – trolej. • Funkcia a spoľahlivosť výhybiek, ich ovládaní a signalizácie. • Plynulosť a bezpečnosť prejazdu električiek cez oblúky a výhybky. • Funkcia a spoľahlivosť napájania trakčného vedenia elektrickou energiou. • Funkcia a spoľahlivosť signalizácie beznapäťového stavu. • Pozdĺžna a priečna stabilita koľají. Po vyhodnotení nameraných hodnôt, preverení funkcionality všetkých prvkov a zariadení, ich súladu s naprojektovanými hodnotami a funkciami jednotlivých zariadení, môže byť uvedená stavba do trvalej prevádzky.
Diskusia k článku:
Most businesses think that business funding is something that you need when your business is short on cash or times are hard. A lot of businesses go out looking for business funding when the business is not good. The time to get business funding is not when your business is doing horrible or you are strapped for cash. www.businessmom.us
When thinking about the family law field, and whether you want to start your own law firm, it is important to consider your practice area or "niche". Many new attorneys don't know what practice area they will want to join when they come out of law school. That is understandable because law school teaches you how to "think like a lawyer" and not how to practice law. www.lawcorner.us
There are several reasons for shopping in online shopping. Some people like to just get out of the house and go to a conventional mall but for those that like the convenience of sitting down and shop by clicking, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, this is the easiest way to do it. You save gas, eliminate crowds and have a very wide array of items to buy and get better prices than shopping any other way. www.shoppingtalk.us
If you are reading this article now, I am sure that today is not your first day coming across the phrases - work from home, work at home jobs, working from home, working from home jobs, working from home ideas, etc. If you are just coming across it for the first time, take your time to read through for a clearer understanding. www.smarthomeimprovement.us
Educating yourself to recognizing what editorial print modeling realistically "looks" like in a high fashion magazine is the first step to understanding the variations of the different types of editorial modeling and how it is different from the other more common types of "commercial" print modeling work. www.fashion101.us
In the past occupational health policy was frequently driven solely by compliance with legislation. In the new approach to workplace health management, policy development is driven by both legislative requirements and by health targets set on a voluntary basis by the working community within each industry. www.101health.us
Scientific works in the theories of finances and credit, according to the specification of the research object, are characterized to be many-sided and many-leveled. The definition of totality of the economical relations formed in the process of formation, distribution and usage of finances, as money sources is widely spread. For example, in "the general theory of finances" there are two definitions of finances: www.smallfinance.us
Mystery shopping (sometimes called secret shopping) is an excellent way to make extra money. It is very easy to do, you need no previous experience, no special knowledge and no expensive equipment. Mystery shopping can be performed by anyone who is able to go shopping. www.onlinebuy.us
10 tips to sell your home fast. Take these steps and you will sell your home fast. These tips will reduce the stress of selling your home and place you in the strongest negotiating position. www.homeimprovementideas.us
When it comes to your business travel we all know that this comes write out of your bottom line, but in order to keep good customer relations this is something that you must do. One of the most common things to do is to hire a business travel manager to handle all your business travel arrangements. www.mytravelguide.us
Fashion is a popular blogging topic. Fashion trends change in an instant and the blog platform is a great way to announce these trends because blogs can be easily updated and can be read by millions of people worldwide. By the time new trends are reported in television and the magazines, they may have already been reported in fashion blogs all over the world. www.fashionadvice.us
Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS,is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: www.besthealth.us
With the Bob Proctor Law of Success as part of the 11 Forgotten Laws, we learn exactly what is needed to guarantee success. This Law is a combination of the knowledge that the Universe is set up to guarantee our success as we partner with the Universe and specific methods to insure we know how to use the Bob Proctor Law of Success. www.aboutlaw.us
Mystery shopping is an excellent way to make extra money. In fact, some people make a full time living doing it. There are many mystery shopping companies that will pay you to shop, eat at restaurants and take part in focus groups. www.proshopper.us
Low-income or no-income households can receive home improvement grants to enhance the security and safety in their homes. Seniors can use the grant money to remove fire hazards, or make modifications to their homes. www.hosueideas.us
More considerable travel savings are given to the best travel planner. Oftentimes, the best planners are those who hire travel agents. There are lots of cheap budget travel online experts who can help you on your travel needs. With their help, you will be able to obtain the best travel deals, save money and prevent problems in your chosen destination. www.mrtravel.us
It has rightly been said by fashion gurus that year 2010 is and will continue to be an interesting and exciting year for fashion. With the end of the global financial crisis and recession trend, an upheaval in the fashion world was seen in the beginning of the year and this is continuing. www.fashionhosue.us
Why does health care fraud appear to get the 'lions-share' of attention? Could health care fraud be the perfect vehicle for driving agendas of divergent groups? Take a closer look and one finds this is no game-of-chance, taxpayers, consumers and providers always lose. www.healthiness.us
The Law of Supply is about learning that according to Universal Law, we live in a world of abundance. In the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey we learn that we are all supposed to live in prosperity. Learn more about the 2nd of the 11 Forgotten Laws. www.insidelaw.us
Organizing a party is easy when you have the right shop to get the supplies you need. The best you can do to have an easy time with your party planning is to start with the preparations early. It will save you from last minute rushes that could ruin a good party. www.shoppingadvice.us
You want to sell your home. Whether you are selling your home yourself, or you are going to use a real estate agent, you must price it before you advertise it for sale. Sellers have misconceptions about the value of their home and make one or more of these five common mistakes when determining a price. www.housedecor.us
Adventure travel agents make any travel possible and help you to enjoy your travel even more. Traveling is a way of exploring and experiencing what a particular place can offer, and all the things that can be really adventurous. However, travel will not be successful without adventure travel agents. www.luxurytour.us
As fashion and plus size evolve into a recognized and (soon-to-be) respected segment in fashion, so do the idiosyncrasies and nuances of fashion itself, as it pertains to plus size. You see, ten years ago, plus size only belonged in one lump segment, leaving us fashionistas with very little or if any options for shopping and discerning which pieces were of a "fashionable" standard. www.fashionicon.us
HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. When I hear people talking about HIPAA, they are usually not talking about the original Act. They are talking about the Privacy Rule that was issued as a result of the HIPAA in the form of a Notice of Health Information Practices. www.healthyday.us
Are you searching for a good online law school? Before you register for an online law course it will do you good to do some self assessment by asking some basic questions to you, so that your decision turns out to be the right one. The first question you have to answer is whether online education, be it law or any other course, is the right one for you. www.lawadvice.us
Today is the first day of spring. Whether you are still buried in snow, freezing temperatures and are expecting yet another snowstorm (as we are) or your daffodils are popping up and color is everywhere, it is time to review and update your spring wardrobe in anticipation of much warmer weather to come. www.shoppingblog.us
The Home Business industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, but unfortunately the vast majority of people (more than 95%) never achieve any level of success with it. Why? Because they don't know the 6 keys to home business success, and they give up before they see results. www.housedevelopment.us
Are you searching for a travel agency school that will teach you all you need to know about starting a travel agency and becoming a travel agent? Is the intrigue and romance of the travel agency fascinating to you? Can't you just picture yourself basking in the culture and fine cuisine of a faraway land that you've only dreamed of traveling to? www.grouptour.us
It's a fashionista's worst experience, even worse than looking oversize buddy, more degrading than wearing the same dress in another party -- it's the fear of symbolizing looking yesteryear fashion trend model. Sometimes, fashion trends is considered as fads, are disreputably erratic. www.fashionkeeper.us